Saturday 15 November 2008

Copyright valuation -- any good reading materials?

I've received an email from a student who writes:

"I am currently doing an academic research on the subject of Intangible Assets Valuation. I could find a lot of information regarding this subject, but I barely found any information related to Copyright Valuation. The only article that I found was in Willamette website:

Could you tell me if there is more bibliography on this particular subject? I would be very appreciative. Thank you in advance".

Can anyone assist? From the email I originally received, I suspect that English is not the student's first language. So if you know of good materials written other than English, please mention them too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


*Useful* practices for copyright valuation remain largely undocumented--especially on a forward basis (i.e., how much will one generate from exploiting a copyright in the future). There is much more literature on patent valuation, despite the fact that copyrights are more litigated. Most existing copyright articles focus on infringement damages valuation, which is of little use outside of a litigation context, because it lacks a forensic perspective.

As a valuation practitioner, the issues of applied copyright valuation practices are near and dear to me. I'm currently writing a guide to address some of these shortcomings which is due out soon.

On a more theoretical basis, one of the best guides that I use, and which covers copyrights in great detal, is "The Economic Structure of Intellectual Property Law" by Landes and Posner.

Hope this helps.

Mike Pellegrino
Pellegrino & Associates, LLC