What is economic growth? why is it so important?
According to Nobel Prize
winning economist Simon Kuznets a country's economic growth may be defined
as “a long-term rise in capacity to supply increasingly diverse economic
goods to its population, this growing capacity based on advancing technology
and the institutional and ideological adjustments that it demands.”1
To answer the question of
why economic growth is important, we need to look at it from two different perspectives
- from a developing and a developed
countries perspective. According to an OECD report, economic growth is the most
powerful instrument for “reducing poverty and improving the quality of life” in
developing countries. 2 In the case of developed
countries, high economic growth leads to increased profitability for firms,
enabling more spending on research and development which can lead to
technological breakthroughs, and it also increases confidence and encourages
firms to take risks and innovate. According to the Bank of England, “the citizens
of a country with high GDP are likely to have high incomes, people are likely
to be earning and spending more and businesses are likely to be hiring and
investing more (heavily in R&D).”3
Explanations of economic
growth have increasingly focused on the role of innovation and on the power of
expected profits to motivate innovation. 4 Private-sector
companies and industries likewise are looking for ever-more competitive ways to
succeed, by developing and incorporating creative and useful innovations into
products and services that we all benefit from and enjoy in virtually every
area of life. Intellectual property (IP) - the copyrights, patents, trademarks
and other similar rights upon which creative and innovative products and
services rely upon - have an important role in growing the economies of
developed and developing countries all over the world.5 IP protection benefits the
economy, promotes innovation, helps firms monetize their innovations and grow,
helps small and medium enterprises (SME), and finally it benefits consumers and
society. This is the patent bargain: the
trade-off between short term monopoly and long-term social service by bringing
innovation to market. The monopoly on commercialisation encourages firms to
innovate and profit (and so for the purposes of this article drives the
The macroeconomic effects
of IP:
Sectors that rely on IP
protection are contributors to the economy. For example, according to a study
by the EU IPO IP-intensive industries generated 29.2% of all jobs in the EU
during the period 2014-2016 with 11% being patent intensive industries. In
addition, another 21 million jobs were generated in industries that supply
goods and services to IP-intensive industries. Over the same period, IP-intensive
industries generated almost 45% of total economic activity (GDP) in the EU,
worth €6.6 trillion out of which patent intensive industries accounting for 16%.
It is also interesting to note that wages in IP intensive industries are higher
compared to non-IP intensive industries with this wage premium being 72% in
patent intensive industries.6 Also, in the G8 countries,
copyright-based industries and interdependent sectors alone account for
approximately 4-11% of Gross Domestic Product.7 IP
also generates substantial economic activity, employment and growth in
developing and developed countries. WIPO and other organizations and economists
have done several studies on the economic contribution of patent-related
industries in developing countries and found that patent-related industries
generate GDP contributions of between approximately 2-6% and employment
contributions of between 3-11% of total employment. 8 A more recent
study by the OECD has further quantified the benefits of IP protection for
foreign direct investment, not just with respect to patent protection but also
copyright and trademark. A 1% increase in the strength of patent correlates to
a 2.8% increase in FDI. 9 Patents are an engine of economic growth,
which is quite evident based on the above evidence presented.
However, it is also
important to note that in some instances the analyses simply focuses on
quantitative patent data without taking into account the quality of the
underlying patents. For example, patents from innovative areas such as
artificial intelligence should not be weighted equally to less relevant
technologies. Furthermore, the only figures used in some analyses are ones
regarding a country’s patent applications. Many years may pass between the
patent application and the final grant. Therefore, it is a country’s active
patent portfolio and not merely the number of patent applications relevant to
economic analysis.
As the ‘knowledge
economy’ advances, more and more of the value that firms and the overall
economy achieve will come from intangible assets—including IP. IP is on the
rise of becoming the currency of the knowledge based economy, helping to
promote economic growth, company competitiveness and innovation world-wide.
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