Friday, 6 March 2015

Security interests over IP rights: here comes a seminar

For those who are interested in security interests in IP, here's a not-to-be-missed seminar, put together by our friend, scholar and one-time member of the IP Finance blog team Andrea Tosato. There is no fee for attending but, if you'd like to attend, please confirm your attendance by sending an email to Christina Burdis-Smith.  Details of this event are as follows:

A one-day conference to be held on 27 March 2015
Venue: Olswang LLP, 90 High Holborn, Greater London WC1V 6XX

Chairman:  the Rt. Hon. Lord Saville of Newdigate

8.30am             Registration and Coffee

9.15am             Welcome by Chairman

9.30am            First Session
                       Introduction to the Secured Transactions Law Reform Project
Prof Louise Gullifer, University of Oxford
            Security interests over IP rights under English law
Dr Andrea Tosato, University of Nottingham
                        A practitioner’s perspective on security interests over IP rights in the UK
Charles Kerrigan, Olswang
                        A lender’s perspective on security interests over IP rights in the UK
Benedict Smith, Banco Santander

11.15am          Coffee

11.30an           Second Session
Security interests over IP rights: the view of the UKIPO
Tony Clayton, UKIPO
Challenges related to security interests over IP rights under the Canadian PPSA system
Prof Norman Siebrasse, University of New Brunswick
Security interests over IP rights in the USA: the UCC 9 approach
Steve Weise, Proskauer Rose


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