Monday, 15 September 2014

Competition law and SEPs: a new book

Competition Law and Standard Essential Patents. A Transatlantic Perspective, a new title from Wolters Kluwer and written by Urska Petrovcic, has just come into this blogger's line of vision.  He hasn't yet seen it, but suspects that it may be of interest to readers of this weblog: if anyone has a copy and would like to write a short review for us, please get in touch.

According to the information provided by the publishers,
"This book, through an intensive focus on case law in the United States and the European Union, clarifies the scope of competition law in addressing SEP [ie standard essential patent] owners’ opportunistic conduct, and offers the first comprehensive analysis of the antitrust liability an SEP owner might face in each jurisdiction. The presentation thoroughly explains among others these following relevant topics and issues:

* processes through which standards are adopted and implemented by market participants;

* principal antitrust concerns that might arise in the standardization context;

* elements that competition authorities and courts should take into account in evaluating SEP owners’ market power; the role of “fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory” (FRAND) commitments;

* applicability of competition law to a SEP owner’s deceptive practices during the standardization process;

* applicability of competition law to strategic licensing by SEP owners;

* gaps competition law faces when addressing a SEP owner’s opportunistic practices".
This blogger is uncomfortable with the use of the term "opportunistic conduct", which not only gives the appearance of pre-judging the business practices of patent owners -- which can only be adjudged to be opportunistic within the context of the specific factual parameters of the technology within which FRAND licences may be offered -- but also has the appearance of cutting to the chase without taking due account of the evolution of the patent or patents at the hands of its owner before the point at which a granted patent is available to license, or indeed to infringe.  However, it would not be fair to judge this book on the strength of the marketing blurb, so it will be good to find out how the author treats the subject

This book is volume 58 in the publishers' International Competition Law Series. You can check its contents here and inspect a sample chapter here
Price: 120 euro/ US$ 162.
More information here

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