Friday, 12 April 2013

New LinkedIn Group for IP-Backed Finance Research

IP Finance blogger Jeremy has learned that his friend Stephen Robertson of Metis Partners has created an IP-Backed Finance Research LinkedIn group, the details of which can be seen below:

Metis Partners are delighted to have won the opportunity to work with Scottish Enterprise on a very important initiative focused on Intellectual Property Rights and how they can be used to unlock finance for SMEs . Our research and analysis will be focused on: 
• IP security – what different methods are used in the market,
• IPR type – the different types of IPR’s being used in transactions, which are most suitable and why
• IP valuation – the various different methods, what works, what doesn’t and why
• IP diligence – what diligence techniques provide comfort to lenders and why
• Any structural, legal and regulatory frameworks surrounding the topic that should be considered

We will update this group with our thoughts and initial findings from our research, from which we welcome input, experiences and debate.

All feedback is important and we welcome thoughts and opinions. Please suggest this group to people who would be interested.

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