Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Top 100 Universities Granted US Utility Patents in 2016

The National Academy of Inventors and the Intellectual Property Owners Association has released a list of the top 100 universities granted U.S. utility patents.  The top 10 of the list includes: 1) The Regents of the University of California: 505 patents; 2) MIT: 278; 3) Stanford: 244; 4) Cal Tech: 201; 5) Tsinghua University/Graduate School at Shenzen: 181; 6) Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation: 168; 7) John Hopkins: 167; 8) University of Texas: 162; 9) University of Michigan: 142; and 10) Columbia University: 118.  The top 10 non-US universities include: 1) Tsinghua University/Graduate School at Shenzen; 2) Korea Institute of Science and Technology; 3) King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals; 4) National Tsinghua University; 5) Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology; 6) National Taiwan University/National Taiwan University Hospital; 7) King Saud University; 8) Industry and Academic Cooperation at Yonsei University; 9) Ramot and Tel Aviv University; and 10) National Chiao Tung University.  On the overall top 100 list, National Chiao Tung University has 53 patents and is ranked 44.  Interestingly at least 31 universities (or university foundations) are non-US based.  Also, the first European institution on the list appears to be École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne ranked at 59 with 42 patents.  Cambridge Enterprise LTD is ranked at 97 with 25 patents.  Some of the Japanese institutions include University of Tokyo ranked at 69 and Kyoto University at 72.  At least eight of the top 100 are in South Korea and only two appear to be in Europe. [Hat tip to Technology Transfer Central].  

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