Wednesday, 16 December 2015

A Very Good Resource on the Bayh-Dole Act and Commercialization

In the last few weeks, I have had the opportunity to refer folks to a book on the Bayh-Dole Act and technology transfer.  The excellent book is the late Syracuse University Law School Professor Theodore Hagelin’s Technology Innovation Law and Practice casebook published in 2012.  The book has a very nice treatment of the Bayh-Dole Act and coverage of the legal concerns from taking a product from the laboratory to market.  The book is available from Lexis Nexis, here, and Amazon, here.  Professor Hagelin was the founder and Director of the very successful Technology Commercialization Law Program at Syracuse University College of Law; Director of the New York State Science and Technology Law Center; Crandall Melvin Professor of Law; and Kauffman Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation.  A description of his accomplishments can be found, here. 

Here is the publisher’s description of the book:

This book is a comprehensive collection of cases, statutes, regulations and readings focused on the commercial development of new technologies, primarily by start-up and early-stage companies. It defines the technology innovation process as the set of decisions and actions by which an invention is transformed from a laboratory prototype into a commercially viable product or process; and defines the technology innovation period as the time between the point of invention (reduction to practice) and the point of market introduction.

Technology Innovation Law and Practice addresses the gap in academic attention paid to the field of technology innovation. The book provides students, faculty and practitioners, both in law and other disciplines, with a single source of in-depth information on the laws that affect the technology innovation process. The book is unique in its interdisciplinary focus, in its emphasis on start-up and early-stage technology companies, and in its combination of instructional and reference materials.

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