Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Free OxFirst Webinar--"IP Commercialization Tactics for Wealth Generation & Innovation"

OxFirst is hosting another free webinar which, like previous events, promises to be most worthwhile. The topic is ‘IP Commercialization Tactics for Wealth Generation & Innovation’, and the event will take place on February 23rd at 15:00-16:00, British Standard Time. IP has often been portrayed as either an undervalued or underleveraged asset. This talk discusses the various means IP owners have at their disposal to commercialize their IP, be it patent brokerage, IP sales or licensing.

The speaker will be Patrick Terroir, Lead OxFirst Advisor and Chair of Patent and Technology Licensing Committee of Licensing Executive Society. Previously, Mr. Terroir was Managing Director of CDC Intellectual Property. He initiated and contributed to the creation of France Brevets and to the creation of the Tech Transfer Accelerators Companies (SATT) for the French universities. Between 2006 and 2008 he initiated and developed Caisse des Dépôts’s department in charge of industrial innovative clusters. Patrick Terroir is also an Adjunct Professor in Intellectual Property Economics in Sciences Po Paris.

To register, please consult the attached link.

OxFirst asks that you please register with your professional email account as it cannot allow attendees to sign up with private accounts (such as Yahoo or Gmail).

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