Friday 9 October 2015

Making money from patent pools: a free webinar

Alfred Chaouat (Senior Vice-President Licensing, Technicolor, and the immediate past president of LES France) is in line to deliver the next Oxfirst webinar on 22 October 2015 at 15.30 BST. The subject is "IP monetisation through patent pools". This is a topic that Alfred should know about in some depth through his own personal experience, since he represents Technicolor in some patent pools.

What's this webinar about? Oxfirst explain:
In this talk we address the pros and cons of patent pools as a licensing vehicle and look at how and to what extent patent pools allow patent owners to maximize revenues from their patents.

High-technology product manufacturing requires access to a diverse pool of technologies that are owned by different organizations all over the world. The costs of licensing these disparate rights on a bilateral basis can be so high as to ultimately make the deal unviable. As IP commercialization tactics improve, innovative licensing mechanisms emerge that can help firms avoid many of these transaction costs, while allowing them to access complementary patents. By aggregating patents according to product requirements, manufacturers are able to license and cross-licenses all the necessary patents in a single transaction. Royalty income is distributed among patent owners according to the quality of patents submitted.
For further details email To register, click here. The webinar is free of charge.

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