Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Patent analytics for business and finance: a handy information source

But how could Einstein have foreseen
computerised processing of Big Data?
Covent Garden, London-based Aistemos is one of a number of companies providing services and expertise in the field of patent analytics. Its objective is to organise intellectual property data of all kinds in such a way as to make it intelligible to, among others, those who buy and sell IP rights, those who finance those deals and anyone who seeks a clear view of the strengths, weaknesses, currency and dynamics of the IP portfolios of other players in the same market.  Aistemos is also a supporter and a prime mover behind the launch earlier this summer of ORoPO -- the Open Register of Patent Ownership.

This blogger, who is a member of the Aistemos Advisory Board, has been helping his friends at Aistemos to build and sustain a cheerful, user-friendly weblog that is designed to provide comment and insight into IP analytics and what might be termed adjacent topics. He is also moderating the company's LinkedIn Group, which seeks to offer a community resource for the discussion of Big Data, analytics and other topics of mutual concern. The company's Twitter account, also under this blogger's supervision, is strictly professional.

A handy check-list of items posted on the Aistemos weblog over the month of August can be found here.

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