Saturday, 5 January 2013

OECD 2012 Updated Biotechnology Indicators: Funding for IP and Other Interesting Stats

The OECD recently released its updated 2012 Biotechnology Indicators here. Some of the statistics are updated and others are not. On the number of biotechnology firms in 2011: Germany, 678; United Kingdom, 488; Ireland, 237; New Zealand, 369; Sweden, 129; Poland, 91; Finland, 157. The latest numbers for the United States are from 2009 with 6,213 biotechnology firms. My guess is that this number has dropped. The Biotechnology Industry Organization has around 1,000 members (many of them universities) and most of those are based in the US. According to this 2011 BIO report, "the number of public biotech companies in the U.S. has decreased by 25% since January of 2008."

According to the OECD Biotechnology Indicators, the total biotechnology R&D expenditures in the business sector in 2011 includes (in millions of US dollars): Germany, 1,221; Sweden, 534.7; Ireland, 380; and the Russian Federation, 137. In 2009, the United States spent 22,030. The total public (Government and Higher Education sectors) biotechnology R&D expenditures in 2011 includes (in millions of US dollars): Russia, 763.4; Poland, 241.5; and the Czech Republic, 146.9. For 2010, Germany spent 5,972 and Korea spent 2,468. The percentage of share of biotechnology PCT patents from 2008-2010 included the United States at 40.76%, Japan at 11.49%, Germany at 6.77%, United Kingdom at 3.92%, Korea at 3.74% and China at 3.12%.


Neil Wilkof said...


Do you draw any conclusions from these data?

Mike Mireles said...


I don't have any conclusions from the data, but more questions--hopefully for future posts. I do think the data provides a very rough snapshot of where the "action" is in the biotech sector generally.

Best, Mike