Thursday, 10 November 2011

"IP in Open Innovation – Barrier or Enabler?"

The Licensing Executives Society (LES) Benelux, together with the Centre for Intellectual Property Rights (CIR), Leuven. Inc and Leuven Research & Development of the K.U.Leuven are organizing a Topic Meeting on “IP in Open Innovation – Barrier or Enabler? The Story so Far” on 24 November 2011 at the Faculty Club in Leuven Belgium. According to the details sent to us by Dr Esther van Zimmeren:
"When LES Benelux hosted the LES Pan European Conference in September 2008 in Amsterdam, the theme was “Open Innovation – The New Paradigm?” In the meantime, this model has become more widespread but has it been a success to the point where the question mark could be removed? This event explores how things have progressed, what is working and what is not with particular reference to IP. 
As you will see from the speaker panel, this promises to be a very interesting day reflecting the views and experiences of different stakeholders. Prof. dr. Wim Vanhaverbeke will give the keynote presentation on “Open Innovation and its implication for IP management”, followed by Dr Esther van Zimmeren (CIR), Andre Clerix (IMEC), Benjamin Docquir (Simont Braun), Laure van Oudheusden (Philips) and Magali Poinot (IMI)".

You can access the invitation here and the registration form here

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