Monday, 10 October 2011

Glasgow conference coming up

Andrea Tosato (Lecturer in Law, Bournemouth University) has written to inform IP Finance of a conference which is being held on the subject ISO 10668 (Brand Value) – Innovation in Practice. A strong panel of speakers, comprising both practitioners and academics, will be on display, Topics covered include brand valuation (ISO 10668), security interests over IP rights, leveraging IP rights and trade secrets valuation.

The event is being held on 24 October 2011 at the University of Glasgow. Full details are available here.

Andrea is far too modest to confess that he is one of the speakers and that he will be tackling security interests over IP rights under UK and international law.  IP Finance is not too shy to ask anyone who is attending to let this weblog have reports on the various sessions and, if possible, copies of any papers circulated.

1 comment:

Serena Tierney said...

The flyer for the event includes the phrase:

"The emergence of the ’big society’ has allowed the intangible asset industry to self-birth regulation..."

This makes the somewhat surprising claim that the 'big society' has some connection with the creation of ISO 10668. Given that it was an ISO project started before the term 'big society' had entered political parlance in the UK and that it was as the result largely of an initiative by the German national standards organisation, this seems at the very least on historical grounds, to be a rather odd claim.

Perhaps it was a just a competition to see whether you could get 'big society' and 'self-birth' (ghastly thought…) into one sentence.