The U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology has released a proposed framework for analyzing whether march-in rights under the Bayh-Dole Act should be exercised. Notably, march-in rights have never been exercised. A concern is that exercise of the rights could create a disincentive for companies to invest in commercializing government funded inventions. Additionally, there is a concern that basing the exercise of march-in rights on pricing concerns will be particularly harmful. The proposed framework can be found, here. There is a comment period as well. The proposed framework contains several Scenarios with a sample analysis of the problem. All of the Scenarios are worth reviewing, but I found 5 and 6 to be particularly interesting. The following includes the analysis under Scenario 5 and 6:
Scenario 5
Background: A water filtration company has an
exclusive license from a government-funded university to patents covering a
subject invention for point-of-use water purification technology. The company
manufactures a small device, which can be used to remove organic contaminants
like pesticides in households that get their drinking water from wells. Ten
years ago, a certain pesticide became very popular because it was safe for
native U.S. pollinators but effective at combatting an invasive beetle
destroying crops nationwide. But recent studies have shown a ten-fold increase
in pediatric cancers that is connected to drinking groundwater contaminated
with that pesticide. The water filtration company's point-of-use purification
device is uniquely able to remove even trace amounts of that pesticide. As a
result, demand has spiked. However, the company has not increased its
manufacturing pace, so the price of the devices has jumped 1000% in the past
three months. The combination of the limited supply and increased prices has resulted
in a health emergency that cannot be adequately addressed without expanding
capacity. Three other manufacturers and a dozen rural community groups have
asked the government funding agency to march-in and issue licenses to increase
supply and reduce cost of the specialized filters.
Discussion: Given the pressing need, march-in would be
among a range of options the agency would likely consider for resolving this
problem promptly and protecting children.
Statutory Criteria —In this scenario, it appears that
march-in may alleviate a health or safety need that, at this time, is not
reasonably being satisfied by the contractor or its licensee (Statutory
Criterion 2). First, the agency would seek to confirm underlying information,
including about the health or safety need. For example, the agency would
consult with experts and appropriate agencies, seek available information about
how the pesticide contributes to pediatric cancer, and investigate how (and how
effectively) this purification device removes the pesticide (Statutorily
Defined March-In Criteria; Criterion 2; Sections I–III). The agency would also
confirm basic facts with the contractor, including whether it is refusing to
ramp up manufacturing and how much the price has increased. All of this would
be with an eye toward mitigating the risk of pediatric cancer, which in this
scenario would appear to require an increased supply and accessible filtration
devices (Section IV). The agency would likely assess whether the contractor is
in fact exploiting the health or safety need to set a product price that is
egregious within the U.S. market and unjustified given the totality of
circumstances (Section IV, E). If the evidence suggests this 1000% increase was
an intentional act by the company to “cash-in” on this newly discovered health
and safety need, that would weigh in favor of march-in. However, if the entire
market has seen similar price increases and there is a compelling justification
for such a high price, e.g., a shortage of essential raw materials is
making increased production impossible, that would weigh against march-in.
Policy & Objectives of Bayh-Dole —The agency would
similarly need to assess the practical impact of march-in on the unmet need and
carefully evaluate all alternatives (Would March-In Support the Policy &
Objective of Bayh-Dole). For example, if the pesticide stays in the water supply
long term and there's no indication other solutions will become available very
soon, that would weigh in favor of march-in. If farmers are no longer using the
pesticide in question and it dissipates quickly, then the demand for filters
could subside soon, weighing against march-in. Additionally, the fact that
there are already other interested manufacturers suggests march-in could
increase production by these entities soon, weighing in favor of march-in.
However, the agency would need to examine the capability of the prospective
licensees and manufacturers and be comfortable these are “reasonable
applicants” that could get a product to market (Section I, E). Here again, the
agency would also consider possible alternatives, like other technologies to
protect children (Section II). For example, perhaps another agency has already
banned the pesticide and that, combined with an alternative filtration
technology, could bring the pesticide levels to a safe percentage within the
year, weighing against march-in. Finally, the agency would analyze the wider
implications of march-in to ensure consistency with Bayh-Dole policy and
objectives (Section III). The agency may determine that exercising march-in
rights would have a meaningful positive impact on child health, increase
confidence that federally funded inventions are available to improve the lives
of Americans, result in increased competition, and set an example of actions by
contractors or licensees that are “off limits.” The agency may determine those
factors outweigh any negative impacts on investments in future federal R&D,
given the apparent bad-faith actions of the contractor (Sections III, A, 2;
III, 3).
Scenario 6
Background: In the early stages of a respiratory virus
pandemic, a consumer goods company working under a government contract
developed improved face masks that filter out 99% of that virus' particles. The
contractor filed for a patent on its mask technology, and it reported the
subject invention and associated patent application to the government. During a
three-week window, several experts published studies confirming that the virus
spreads easily and rapidly through airborne transmission. The following week,
the consumer goods company increased the price of its masks 100%, and it
continued to raise the price over the course of a month, resulting in a 400%
price increase. The company has also sent letters to other mask manufacturers,
flagging the pending patent application and promising to file lawsuits against
any infringers as soon as the patent issues. Trade associations representing
frontline healthcare workers asked the government funding agency to march-in
and issue licenses to those other manufacturers to bring down the price of the
Discussion: Given the urgent need, march-in would be
among a range of options the agency would likely consider for resolving this
problem promptly and protecting frontline workers.
Statutory Criteria —In this scenario, it appears there
could be actions that promote nonuse or unreasonable use of the subject
invention (Criterion 1) as well as health and safety needs that are not being
reasonably satisfied by the contractor (Statutory Criterion 2). The agency
would first ask the contractor for information to confirm the basic facts—for
example, that the contractor has increased price 400%, how that increase
compares to prices for other masks, how that price point compares to the cost
of developing and manufacturing the masks, that the contractor has filed for
patents, and that it is threatening to file suit against competing
manufacturers when a patent issues. Based on that, the agency could continue
its inquiry to assess whether march-in would alleviate an unmet health need
and/or ensure the benefits of the mask are available to the public on
reasonable terms, exploring questions detailed in Statutorily Defined March-In
Criteria; Criterion 1 and 2. In this scenario, more affordable masks are needed
and it may be that more mask production would bring down the price (Section
III; IV, E). The agency would likely need more information to assess whether
the contractor is exploiting the health or safety need in setting a product
price that is egregious within the U.S. market and unjustified given the
totality of circumstances and/or whether the masks are available on reasonable
terms (Section IV, E). By rapidly increasing the price of masks and threatening
other manufacturers with litigation during an urgent public health need, the
contractor seems focused on keeping prices unusually high while not satisfying
demand. This could weigh in favor of march-in. But the agency would need
additional information, for example, to understand the unmet need, how march-in
would impact it, and why the contractor is responding this way. Are other mask
manufacturers charging similarly high prices under the circumstances, all to
fund facility expansion? If so, that would weigh against march-in (Section IV,
E). Is there a strong connection between mask usage (or mask availability) and
public health benefit? Does this mask provide unique benefits over others?
Stronger evidence the masks resolve a health need could weigh more in favor of
march-in, whereas tangential evidence of unique benefits could weigh against
march-in (Section III). Is there a legitimate reason not to license other
manufacturers for this mask, e.g., they lack capacity or capability?
Answers to those questions could justify the contractor's actions and weigh
against march-in (Section IV, E).
Policy & Objectives of Bayh-Dole —The first part
of this analysis looks at whether march-in would promote utilization and
protect against non-use of the subject invention (Would March-In Support The
Policy & Objective Of Bayh-Dole Section I). The agency would need to
understand whether other manufacturers are “responsible applicants” that would
be interested and willing to make the masks in question (Section I, E). The
agency would also likely want to understand the impact of the pending patent
application and threat of (possible) litigation on the other manufacturers (I,
B; II, E). If the other manufacturers are actually deterred from making the
product, then that could weigh in favor of march-in. However, if other
manufacturers do not believe valid patents are going to issue on this subject
invention, and those manufacturers are willing to immediately start
manufacturing masks, that could weigh against march-in. The agency would also
consider whether other action might be warranted—for example, the agency
purchasing or manufacturing the masks itself at a lower price (Section II, A).
Whether march-in would protect the public against non-use or unreasonable use
of subject inventions more broadly likely depends on similar facts (Section
III). However, in a situation of a pressing health or safety need, where a
contractor is artificially keeping supply low while demand for a product is
high or artificially increasing the price, march-in could deter others from
similar actions in the future without impacting contractors and licensees who
act in good faith to bring products to market and meet market demand (Section
III, A, 2).
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