Wednesday 26 May 2021

6th IP and Competition Forum - 23, 24, 25 June 2021


Date & Time:  23rd-25th June, 2021; 13:00 BST – 18:00 BST

For the sixth time in a row, we are inviting to discuss the interplay of IP, Competition, and Public Policy. With several key questions to be addressed, such as the adequate level of licensing or the challenges presented by anti-suit injunctions, there is a dire need to calibre the role of both IP and competition law for the high-tech innovation ecosystem. More than ever before, is it important to provide thought leadership and contribute to formulating judicial and governance perspectives that will assure that IP breaks the equation of being a tool for economic growth and prosperity.


·      Anti-Suit Injunctions

·      Jurisdiction, Extraterritoriality & Comity
·      Update on Recent FRAND Cases
·      Component Level Licensing
·      Proportionality of FRAND injunctions
·      What role for Standard Setting Organizations in the eco system?
·      Essentiality of Standard Essential Patents
Why Join?

 ·         Contribute to Building Bridges in a highly debated policy area

·         Advance the state of Play for Markets for Standard Essential Patents
·         Hear first-hand what Judges, Academics and Public Authorities have to say on some of the hottest trends in the sector
·         Be part of a Thriving Community of Thought Leaders

 In celebration of our 10th anniversary, we are giving out free seats to the conference!*(subject to availability & approval)

Day 1: June 23 2021

 Day 2: June 24:

 Day 3: June 25:


Enjoy, Debate and Have Fun!


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