Tuesday, 14 July 2020

Free U.S. Judicial Panel on Halo, Alice and FRAND

Winston and Strawn are cohosting a free webinar titled, “Judicial Panel: Grappling with the Uncertainties Created by Halo, Alice and Frand” on July 28, 2020 at 3:00 pm EDT.  The description and registration information follows: 

Please join Kathi Vidal, managing partner of Winston & Strawn’s Silicon Valley office, the Federal Circuit Bar Association, and the Berkeley Center for Law and Technology in cooperation with The Sedona Conference® for a panel discussion on the hard topics confronting the patent system today.

Sign up for this event here.

Federal Circuit Appellate Judge Kathleen M. O’Malley and Federal District Court Judges Alan D. Albright (TXWD) and Cathy Ann Bencivengo (CASD) will join The Sedona Conference Patent Litigation Working Group Chairs Matt Powers and Eric Hutz for an engaging discussion on the current state of play for willfulness, patent eligibility, FRAND, and ways to manage the uncertainty of each.

Topics of discussion may include: 

  • How should Halo be applied at the pleading stage, at summary judgment and at trial?  
  • Is 101 the best way to weed out weak patents early, efficiently, and accurately? 
  • Are U.S. courts ceding global FRAND determinations to courts of other countries?

A webinar is a complimentary interactive seminar offered by Winston & Strawn LLP over the Internet. You'll watch and listen to the presentation at your own computer.

Winston & Strawn LLP is an accredited CLE provider in California, Illinois, New York, and Texas.

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