Saturday, 25 April 2020

American Antitrust Institute Materials on Competition Issues in the Healthcare Supply Chain

The American Antitrust Institute has released a collection of materials on competition issues with respect to the health care supply chain.  The Press Release states: 

The current COVID-19 public health crisis highlights the critical competition, public policy, and security issues relating to the healthcare supply chain. At a time when some functions within the healthcare system are temporarily immunized from the antitrust laws, it is essential to emphasize the importance of vigorous antitrust oversight and the benefits of competition for the welfare of consumers, healthcare workers, and innovation.

AAI has produced legal, economic, and institutional analysis of healthcare competition issues for over two decades. This evidence-based analysis touches on all aspects of the supply chain, including the adverse effects of consolidation at the provider, insurer, and intermediary levels; the debate around bargaining power; and the importance of diversity and redundancy on the stability and safety of the supply chain.

Below is a sampling of key healthcare supply chain issues for which AAI has generated research, education, and advocacy to inform and engage the antitrust enforcement and competition policy communities. This body of work also serves in a vital role to inform longer term responses to the current public health crisis and to suggest the importance of a broader public policy framework for ensuring competition in this critical sector. Note: AAI resources on competition in the pharmaceutical sector can be located separately under “Health & Pharmaceuticals” section of our website.

The resources can be found, here

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