Friday, 19 January 2018

IP management and IP strategy in small and medium-sized enterprises – perspectives from the EPO

OxFirst will be presenting a free webinar on one of the most challenging IP issues-- how small and medium-sized enterprises (SME’s) can effectively engage in IP management and strategy. The webinar will take place on January 26th between 3:00 PM- 4:00 PM British Standard Time.

The focus of the program will be on the results of a series of case studies carried out on the subject by the EPO. Twelve SMEs from different countries, operating in different industries and technology sectors and applying different business models, were interviewed about their IP strategies. The resulting case studies illustrate the various ways in which patents can be leveraged to support the development of SMEs in domestic and foreign markets. They also provide detailed information and recommendations on best practices in IP strategy and IP management. The case studies can be downloaded here.

About the Speakers

Professor Yann Ménière joined the European Patent Office as Chief Economist in February 2016. He was previously a Professor of Economics at MINES ParisTech, where he led the Chair on "IP and Markets for Technology". Besides his academic publications, he has prepared policy studies for the European Commission and other public organizations relating to patents. He previously taught at Imperial College, Université Catholique de Louvain and CEIPI.

Pia Björk is Programme Manager at the European Patent Academy. She joined the European Patent Office (EPO) in 1989 as an examiner in the fields of metallurgy and general mechanics. Between 2007 and 2017, she was operational director in the cluster of Pure and Applied Organic Chemistry in directorates dealing with cosmetics and then later pharma (galenics, medical use and biopharmacy). Pia Björk has passed the European Qualifying Examination (EQE), worked in the EQE Committee for the opposition paper and has been involved in basic and advanced training of examiners in search and examination. In January 2018, she joined the European Patent Academy.

To register, follow the instructions here. Oxfirst advises that private email addresses are not recognized.

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