Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Personal property securities and IP in Australia: a new article

"The Personal Property Securities Act and IP: a simpler way?" is the title of an article by the Allens Arthur Robinson triumvirate of Tim Golder, Tom Reid and Thomas Middleton. This article has just gone live on the website of the Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice (JIPLP), where it may be accessed by subscribers or rented for a limited time by non-subscribers. According to the abstract:
"Australia's new Personal Property Securities Act came into operation on 30 January 2012. It regulates security interests in nearly all kinds of personal property, including IP, and contains rules governing priority between competing security interests. The Act expands the traditional concept of a security interest to include interests such as those arising under retention of title clauses.

The Act has replaced a range of registers of personal property security interests with a new, online Personal Property Securities Register, or PPSR, which will serve as an authoritative record for priority purposes. New security interests must be registered on the PPSR if the secured party is to have priority over holders of security interests in the same property, although there is a 24-month transitional period during which unregistered pre-existing security interests will remain protected.

IP practitioners should be aware of practical issues that may arise when registering or searching for security interests in unregistered IP, such as copyright. Non-Australian practitioners will also need to be mindful of the potential for the Act to apply to transactions involving Australian registered IP, even where the owner of the IP is not Australian".
The IP Finance blog has been monitoring this topic since it was first mooted back in 2008 (see earlier posts here, here and here).

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