Tuesday, 30 June 2015

European patent markets, trends and consensuses: what comes next?

Following the IP Finance blog's extensive coverage of the IPBCGlobal 2015 conference, the weblog received the following message from Corinne Le Buhan:
"A tweet from @PatentTwit asked "where's the patent market analysis of Europe and Asia? Opening session largely covers US market trends?" This question was discussed briefly towards the end of the panel session, it being suggested that things might change in Europe once the unitary patent came into force and once China had got its act a bit more together. 
I just thought you may also be interested on the recently published report from the EU expert group on patent aggregation.
IMHO it gives an interesting snapshot of the current and anticipated trends in terms of patent markets from a diversity of primarily EU-based stakeholders perspective. I was invited to one of the hearings to bring the innovative SME point of view and we had really good debates that day. The expert group must have had a hard time to deliver a consensus report and recommendations out of the hearings, but I think they did a good job overall, and I’m now curious to see what will come next (see their recommendations in the report).
Readers' comments and prophecies are welcomed. We don't get nearly enough discussion on this blog, so please take the trouble to participate and tell us what you think.

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