Thursday 15 January 2015

Maximising IP Value: a webinar

How "ox" connects with "first", alpha being
the first letter of the alphabet ...
IP Finance's friends at Oxfirst have another webinar coming up. It takes place next Wednesday at 16.00 GMT on the increasingly popular and always important subject of ‘Maximizing IP Value’. According to the organisers:

Intellectual Property is a critical strategic asset for corporations. But there are enormous differences in the value of IP stemming from the ecosystem that supports commercialization of the IP. What are the elements of the IP ecosystem? Can they be modelled and measured? The answer is yes [though "Can they be accurately and meaningfully modelled and measured?" might not attract a consensus of affirmative responses, this blogger thinks]. This talk will introduce basic concepts about how to model, measure and maximize the potential of IP through a sound broader ecosystem of intellectual capital (IC). 

There are two speakers: Dr Ken Jarboe (founder, Athena Alliance) and Mary Adams (founder, Smarter-Companies). 

If you plan to register for this webinar, which appears to be free, just click here. The webinar ID is 106-652-203. 

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