Monday, 15 April 2013

A chance for IP Finance readers to excel? The 2013 JIPLP competition

The Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, otherwise known as JIPLP (pronounced "jip-lip" -- not that that matters) holds an annual competition to amuse its readers, and indeed anyone else who has a genuine love of IP.  This year, the Oxford University Press-published journal focuses on the financial side of IPRs, as the competition rubric explains.  That's why this year's winner is likely to appeal to readers of the IP Finance weblog.  If you fancy it, go for it!


The $1 billion question

Enter our JIPLP competition for 2013 and you could win a year’s free subscription to JIPLP. All you have to do is send us your account of which 5 intellectual properties you would invest $1 billion in and why.
This should be a short piece of writing (between 500-600 words). It should explain who you are (contributor, board member, subscriber etc) and what 5 intellectual properties (or fewer) you would invest in if you were given $1 billion. Entries will be judged by the JIPLP team and prizes will be awarded for those entries demonstrating good financial acumen, for being creatively written, with style and panache and also for how humorous the piece is. The winning entries will be published on the JIPLP blog.
The winning entries will be decided upon by JIPLP editor Jeremy Phillips and the JIPLP Team at OUP. Entries should be between 500-600 words, and be submitted by 31st October 2013. The winning entries will be announced on 6th January 2014. Entries to be submitted to
What prizes are available:
Financial Acumen - £500 of OUP books and a year's free personal sub to JIPLP
Creativity and Style - £250 of OUP books and a year's free personal sub to JIPLP
Humour - £250 of OUP books and a year's free personal sub to JIPLP
The winning pieces will be published on the JIPLP blog.
Who decides it
JIPLP editor Jeremy Phillips and the JIPLP Team at OUP

Date of award
6th January 2014

Closing date for entries
31st October 2013

Format of entries
Entries to be between 500-600 words
Criteria for judging
Entries will be judged by the JIPLP team and prizes awarded for demonstrating good financial acumen, for being creatively written, with style and panache, and also for how humourous the piece is.

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