A post by Stefano Barazza on the IPKat weblog on 11 March caught the attention of
Keith Mallinson (WiseHarbor), a regular contributor to IP Finance and a man who has taken a particular interest in the impact of standards and FRAND licensing on the ability of businesses in the telecom sector to compete with one another and in the extent to which voluntarily arrangements between competing businesses facilitate or chill investment. This is what Keith writes:
Scaremongering about SEPs
A recent article in the CPI Antitrust Chronicle
entitled “Standard Setting Organizations Can Help Solve the Standard Essential
Patents Licensing Problem”, that was reviewed by The IPKat, asserts that
circumstances affecting some industries like the information and communication
technology (“ICT”) sector may limit the effectiveness of intellectual property
rights” to “stimulate innovation, and to benefit consumers”. The authors (Kai-Uwe
Kühn, Chief Economist, DG Competition, European Commission; Fiona Scott Morton,
former Chief Economist, Antitrust Division, US Department of Justice (2011-12);
Howard Shelanski, Director, Bureau of Economics, Federal Trade Commission)
provide no evidence
for such harm and mention only one example with “UMTS, or 3G.”
Widespread success and benefits
in SEPs
and figures show there is no such problem. On the contrary, the IPR licensing system
is thriving with widespread benefits beyond patentees, in 3G and many other
technologies. Standard-Setting Organizations can make adjustments to their
rules and procedures where and when necessary; patent and contract disputes can
continue to be dealt with by the courts.
marked contrast, my analysis in the 16 articles I have published in IP Finance over the last couple of years
has shown how very well (Fair) Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory Licensing is
working for patented technologies used in ICT standards. Major successes include cellular
communications with GSM, WCDMA (UMTS) and LTE, and video encoding and
compression with AVC/H.264 among many other flourishing standards.
Despite the
fact that all the above technologies are subject to thousands of Standard-Essential
Patents, any of which can–according to detractors–block or “hold-up” standards
entirely, these cellular and video standards are used by most of the world’s
population every day. Sales of products implementing them, including mobile phones and other consumer electronic devices exceed two billion units per
year worldwide.
Consumers have more and more product
choice with plunging prices, additional device features and increasing processing
power literally in their hands. The first cell phones and color TVs cost
thousands of dollars. Mobile phones sold without subsidy or service contract
commitments were available for as little as $20 by the mid 2000s. Similarly, smartphones that can stream TV
shows among many other capabilities are also now
available for less than $100. Such low-cost devices will soon
have the performance of handsets that cost several hundred dollars today.
Standards make technology more
widely available because SSOs demand open disclosures, help make various
technologies compatible and require members to offer patent licenses through
(F)RAND declarations. But what about the
alleged harm to technology implementers such as device manufacturers from Patent
Assertion Entities, or patent trolls as they are also disparagingly called? These have mostly asserted non-SEPs and they
have not fared particularly well when they have litigated, including SEPs. Furthermore,
the courts are very reluctant or unwilling to issue injunctions when patent
disputes are clearly about the price for licensing SEPs.
Antitrust Chronicle article represents personal views–not official agency positions–by
these antitrust economists. In fact, some statements may contradict case law or
agency policy. If and when the purported issues and problems appear, they can
be and are effectively handled –without, for example, the proposed interventions
on seeking injunctions and setting cash prices –in the normal course of
business by SSOs and their participants, or through the courts when there are
patent or contract disputes.
SSOs are
not monopolists or monopsonists and nobody is forced to join any SSOs. These voluntary
organizations compete with each other on many fronts including rules of participation
for members. It is therefore fair and reasonable
to let members decide among themselves what obligations, restrictions and other
rules they want. In the absence of proven harm, there is no reason to fix a system that isn’t broken.
thanks for your contribution. a small remark: numbers from ETSI might actually be lower, since they include a lot of duplicates