Wednesday, 5 May 2010

IP and Tax: a reminder

With many people predicting a change in government in the UK and, with it, shifts in taxation rules, speculation as to the impact of predicted fiscal austerity measures on IP -- whether from the point of view of the individual as vendor or royalty earner or from that of the business as purchaser or licensee -- is rife. To this end, the seminar being held next week by Hardwicke, in association with Gray’s Inn Tax Chambers, should offer a useful summary of the main issues to bear in mind when deciding how to respond to proposed amendments to the law or which way to jump once they're in place.

The half-day seminar, IP and Tax, takes place next Wednesday, 12 May, the venue being Hardwicke Building, New Square, Lincoln’s Inn (London). Speakers include Mark Engelman (Barrister, Hardwicke); Laurent Sykes (Barrister, Gray's Inn Tax Chambers) and Edward Morris (Director, Deloitte LLP). In the chair is IP Finance blog team member Jeremy Phillips (IP Consultant, Olswang LLP).

The seminar is priced at £50 plus VAT per person. Those lucky enough to attend will get 3 CPD points, a pleasantly tasty lunch and, if all else fails, a decent sleep in warm and protective surroundings. The seminar will take place from 11am-3pm; 10:30am registration.

You can view the full programme here. Booking arrangements here.

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