Wednesday, 30 April 2008

"Spurious precision" and the IP Finance Group

When the informal IP Finance Group had its first, very informal, meeting back in January, we agreed that if possible we'd have another meeting in May.

Oliver Rivers has agreed to give us a short talk on Tuesday 27 May at 5pm at the London office of Olswang, solicitors (who have kindly agreed to provide a room and some light refreshment). The talk is entitled "Spurious precision" -- a concept that will be familiar to anyone who has been involved in the debate between the need to place IP rights within a range of values and the requirement that it have one ascertainable value at the point at which something happens to it.

We have the room till 6.30pm: the talk will last around 20 minutes, following which there will be a chance for some light networking, information-exchange and generally thinking about where we go from here. As before, everyone is welcome. If you'd like to attend, email me here.

For the record, the launch of this weblog was one of the fruits of the first meeting of the IP Finance Group in January. Despite its niche subject-matter and relative infancy, this blog has posted 73 items since the last week in January, receiving 3,888 casual visits between now and today. It has notched up 60 email subscribers and over 80 RSS-feeders. It has a page rank of 4 -- which suggests that quite a few other sites are linking to it -- and is gradually growing in momentum. The basis of a bibliography has also been put together in the side bar.

The more information we can spread about the IP/money interface, the better-informed will be the debates over IP as an asset and the decision-making processes that govern it. If you value this weblog, please tell your friends about it and let them know that it's always available to them.

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